OSMOSE Partners

- Belgium
Elia is Belgium’s high-voltage transmission system operator (30 kV to 380 kV), operating over 8,000 km of lines and underground cables throughout Belgium. Our company plays a crucial role in the community by transmitting electricity from generators to distribution systems, which in turn deliver it to the consumer. Elia also plays an essential part in the economy, as our system supplies power directly to major companies connected to the grid.
- France
RTE is the French Transmission System Operator (TSO) in charge of the operation, the maintenance and the development of the high and very high voltage grid (100 000km from 63 to 400kV), and also managing the interconnection lines with other European countries. It is a company of about 8500 people and the largest TSO in Europe.SAFT
SAFT is a world specialist in the design and manufacture of high-tech batteries for industry. SAFT batteries are used in high performance applications, such as industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, space and defense. SAFT is the world’s leading manufacturer of nickel-cadmium batteries for industrial applications and of primary lithium batteries for a wide range of end markets.CEA
CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), a public body established in October 1945. CEA is the largest technology research and development provider in France, whose role is to transfer this know-how to the industry. CEA has staff of about 16000 people, a budget of 4.3 billion Euros per year, and has filed more than 650 priority patents. The CEA operates ten research centres in France, each specializing in specific fields.UPD
Université Paris-Dauphine is a French public higher education establishment, specialized in the Organization and Decision Sciences with a multidisciplinary approach (social sciences, mathematics, computer science). Dauphine is also a founding member of PSL- Paris Sciences et Lettres - Research University, that brings together some of France's most prestigious and internationally respected research institutions.Schneider
As a global specialist in energy management and automation, with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in Utilities & Infrastructure, Industries & Machines Manufacturers, Non-residential Building, and Data Centers & Networks and in Residential.
- Germany
The UDE is one of the youngest universities in Germany and thinks in terms of “unlimited possibilities” instead of possible limitations. Located in the heart of the Ruhr metropolis, the UDE has 11 faculties working to develop ideas with a future. They are strong on research and teaching, embrace diversity, promote academic potential and fight for genuine educational equality.TU
The internationally renowned TU Berlin is located in Germany’s capital city at the heart of Europe. TU Berlin strives to promote the accumulation of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress by adhering to the fundamental principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national and international networking with partners in science and industry is an important aspect in all these endeavors.
- Italy
Terna is an independent grid operator and one of the key players in Europe, thanks to its 72.000 km of lines managed and with more than 3.700 experts who are tasked every day with ensuring the safety of Italy's electricity system.EDISON
The energy of the future becomes more sustainable and smart: renewable sources, energy efficiency, new services for customers, digitalization. A whole new way to look at energy as an indispensable value for the quality of life and the competitiveness of companies.ABB
ABB was created in 1988 by the merger of two major European industrial companies: the Swedish ASEA and Swiss Brown Boveri . ABB is a technology leader in products and solutions for electrification, industrial automation and has special competences in renewables domain (solar, wind, hydroelectric) and has cutting edge transmission technologies in grids interconnection and smart grids projects, serving customers in utility, industrial, global transport and infrastructureIBM
IBM Italia was established in 1927. With over 5.500 employees operating on the whole national territory and 2015 revenue of 1.869.372.071€, IBM Italia has a recognized role in sustaining economic growth and innovation. The company is working on world-class projects in all sectors, supporting companies and institutions which are transforming their operations and innovating in research and development to shape the future of society at large.ENEL
Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company that develops and manages energy generation from renewable sources at a global level, with a presence in Europe, the Americas and Africa. ENEL is a major global operator in the field of energy generation from renewable sources, with an annual production of 29 TW/h, meeting the energy consumption of over 10 million families and avoiding 16 million tonnes of CO2/year. EGP has an installed capacity exceeding 10 GW (2015), produced by around 700 plants in 15 countries and with a generation mix that includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass.Compendia
Compendia s.r.l. is an innovative energy service provider and an energy service company (ESCo) certified pursuant to UNI CEI 11352. Compendia offers a full range of energy services from technical services (compliance with rules and regulations in the energy sector, energy audits as from UNI CEI EN 16247, measurement of energy consumption and efficient use by means of fixed or temporary instrumentation, energy management systems) to commercial services (energy management, support in energy negotiation, energy efficiency certificates/white certificates management).RSE
RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico) S.p.A. is a public company entirely owned by the Italian Government, with the mission of performing public interest R&D programs to address the national energy, environmental and economic goals, both on behalf of the Ministry of the Economic Development and in the context of EU research initiatives.ENSIEL
EnSiEL is a Consortium of public Italian Universities; the twenty one Universities members of EnSiEL employ almost 100% of the academic experts operating in the area of energy and power systems; they are University of Aquila, Politecnico di Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Calabria, Cassino, Catania, Genova, Politecnico di Milano, Napoli "Federico II", Università della Campania L.Vanvitelli", Padova, Palermo, Parthenope, Pavia, Pisa, Salerno, Sannio, Trieste, Politecnico di Torino.ENG
ENGINEERING Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. is the head company of the ENGINEERING Group. Engineering was founded in 1980, and it is currently the first IT group in Italy, among the top 10 IT groups in Europe, 8,500 employees and 50 branch offices in Italy and abroad, with an established presence in Belgium, Norway, Republic of Serbia, Latin America and USA.E2i
E2i is an important renewable power operator in the Italian market with 589 MW of wind installed power capacity and 5 MW of photovoltaic installed power capacity.HDE
Hydro Dolomiti Energia Srl (HDE), that with the parents Dolomiti Energia Holding SpA owns and manages the hydroelectric power plants in the provinces of Trento, Bolzano and Verona (Italy) is a society of the Dolomiti Energia Group that is the fifth multi-utility in Italy and leader in Trentino with more than 85% of market share at provincial level for power distribution, 80% of gas distribution market and about 1,300 staff members. Also the Group, through its subsidiaries and affiliates, is active throughout the whole energy supply chain: it combines power generation, distribution, procurement (through Dolomiti Energia Trading Spa) and sale of energy products as well as activities in the field of renewable energy, district heating and cogeneration, integrated water cycle, public lighting and urban hygiene, including urban waste collection and disposal.FBK
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in Trento, Italy, is a private no profit research institution subsidized by the Province of Trento. FBK conducts interdisciplinary research in information technologies as well as in other areas of sciences and technologies and of humanities.
- Portugal
REN – Rede Eléctrica Nacional, SA: its mission is to guarantee the continuous supply of electricity at the lowest cost while satisfying all quality and safety criteria, maintaining the balance between supply and demand in real time, defending the legitimate interests of market agents and reconciling its roles as a system operator and network operator.EFACEC
EFACEC Energia, Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos SA is a member of the EFACEC Power Solutions Group, the largest Portuguese group in the electromechanical area. The areas where EFACEC Energia is active involve the supply of turnkey engineering systems, including basic and detailed project, procurement, assembly and testing. EFACEC Energia carries out its activities in the fields of Energy, providing Energy Solutions projected for Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Power Systems Automation.NESTER
Centro de Investigação em Energia REN - State Grid, S.A. (R&D NESTER) is an energy research centre created through the partnership between REN (REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, SA) and State Grid Corporation of China (Transmission System Operator - TSO and Distribution System Operator - DSO in China). This partnership started on May 24th of 2013, during the last phase of REN’s privatization in 2012.
- Serbia
Electricity Coordinating Center (EKC) is a consulting and software company with significant experience in European and SEE Electricity Market, as well as Middle East and Central Asia. EKC provides a full range of incorporated strategic business and technical consultancy and engineering leading models and methodologies in field of Electricity.
- Slovenia
ELES is an integral part of the Slovenian electrical power industry. The company’s headquarters are located in Hajdrihova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, and other 14 business units are located all across Slovenia. As the system operator of the Slovenia’s transmission network, ELES preserves the balance between generated and consumed power, 24 hours per day, year in, year out.HSE
HSE Group is Slovenian power generation incumbent and major electro-energy organization, a vertically integrated power producer, trader and supplier to specific large industrial consumers. It owns, through its subsidiaries, hydroelectric plants, thermoelectric plants and a coal mine, united into one brand - the HSE Group.
- Spain
REE was the first company in the world to specialize exclusively in the transmission of electricity and the operation of electricity systems. The Company has been in charge of the Spanish transmission grid and operation of the electricity system. It anticipated recent international trends leading to the separation of such activities and showed that transmission is an independent activity, separate from generation and distribution.GPTech
GPTech is a technologically-based company that provides integral solutions principally focused on the grid integration of solar and energy storage system, as well as on grid stability and energy transport. It implements electronics technology to control power electronic equipment and offers a wide range of innovative products completely developed with own resources and adapted to all the requirements demanded by each market.ULPGC
The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was created in the 1989. It is located in the Autonomous Region of the Canary Islands (Spain), an undisputed tourist centre, attracting visitors because of its mild climate and the stunning varieties of its landscape. The Autonomous Region of the Canary Islands is one of 17 such regions in Spain, and it is composed of seven islands, split for administrative purposes into two provinces. The province of Las Palmas includes the eastern islands: Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.CENER
The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain is a technology centre, with excellent qualifications and international prestige, specialized in applied research and the development and promotion of renewable energies.INGETEAM
Ingeteam Power Technology is a company specialized in power electronics, control of power systems, and electrical engineering. Develops its products in the power generation & distribution, industry, marine, and rail traction sectors always seeking to optimize energy consumption and to maximize generating efficiency.
- Switzerland
EPFL is Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical university. It receives students, professors and staff from over 120 nationalities. With both a Swiss and international calling, it is therefore guided by a constant wish to open up; its missions of teaching, research and partnership impact various circles: universities and engineering schools, developing and emerging countries, secondary schools and gymnasiums, industry and economy, political circles and the general public.IT4
It4power is a consulting company based in Zug, Switzerland. The services and trainings it4power provides are focused on implementing open systems and the use of information technologies for the power industry. It4power is the company for IEC 61850 "Communication networks and systems for power utility automation" and all its related topics. The company is involved in the basic research and development of new technologies, which leads to proof of concept implementation projects, mainstream deployment projects and products.