WP1 – Optimal Mix of flexibilities
- D1.1 European Long-Term Scenarios Description
- D1.2 Flexibility cost and operational data outlook
- D1.2 Related data set
- D1.3 Optimal Mix of Flexibility
- D1.3 Appendix A Model, B Dataset and C Environmental Impact
- D1.4 WP1 Summary Report
- T1.4.1 Optimal Sizing and Siting of Storage Facilities
- T.1.4.2 Cross-Border Reserve Exchange for improved flexibility and efficiency
- T1.4.3 Stability Aspects
- T1.5 Synergies between flexibility services
- WP1 dataset
WP2 – Market designs & regulations
- D2.1 Methodology for error forecasts
- D2.2 Candidate market mechanisms
- D2.3 Models for market mechanisms simulation taking into account space-time downscaling and novel flexibility technologies
- D2.4 Quantitative analysis of selected market designs based on simulations
- D2.5 Recommendations for market designs and regulations
- Deliverable 2.1.2 KPIs measuring the value of flexibility
- Milestone 2.3 Improved methodology to represent flexibilities on the distribution grids from a transmission grid point of view
WP3 – Grid forming for the synchronisation of large power systems
- D3.1 Multi-service control algorithm for converters
- D3.2 Overall specifications of the demos
- D3.3 Analysis of the synchronisation capabilities of BESS power converters
- D3.4 Quantification of multi-service synergy
WP4 – Multiple services by coordinated control of storage and FACTS
- D4.1 Comprehensive report on functionalities and services for the power system
- D4.3 Hybrid Flexibility Device Implementation
- D4.4 Master control strategies
- D4.5 Real operation evaluation results of WP4 demonstration
WP5 – Multiple services provided by grid devices, large demand-response and RES generation
- D5.1 Techno-economic analysis of DSR and RES selected services
- D5.5 Final Report on demo execution results
- D5.6 Final report summarizing main demo results
WP6 – Near real-time cross-border energy market
- D6.1 Mechanism design and specifications
- D6.2 Software demonstration platform development
- D6.3 Report on Software demonstration platform development
- D6.4 Use cases and KPIs refinement and Demonstration Tests design
- D6.5 Demonstration tests
- D6.6 Impact analysis of the performed field tests and exploitation
WP7 – Scaling up and replication
Peer reviewed publications and open source tools
WP1 – Optimal Mix of flexibilities
- Multi-temporal assessment of power system flexibility requirement, Applied Energy journal, March 2019
- AnyMOD.jl, Julia framework for energy system models with a focus on multi-period capacity expansion
- Quantifying power system flexibility provision, Applied Energy Journal, December 2020
- Fictional expectations in energy scenarios and implications for bottom-up planning models, December 2021
- A graph-based formulation for modeling macro-energy systems, November 2021
- AnyMOD.jl: A Julia package for creating energy system models, SoftwareX, December 2021
- Stability analysis of the OSMOSE scenarios: main findings, problems, and solutions adopted, October 2021
- Techno-economic optimisation of the mix of power system flexibility solutions, PhD Thesis, December 2021
- A collective blueprint, not a crystal ball: How expectations and participation shape long-term energy scenarios. Leonard Göke, Jens Weibezahn, Christian von Hirschhausen, 2023, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 97, 102957
- How flexible electrification can integrate fluctuating renewables, Leonard Göke, Jens Weibezahn, Mario Kendziorski, 2023, Energy, Volume 278, Part A, 127832
- Assessing the relative impacts of maximum investment rate and temporal detail in capacity expansion models applied to power systems, Thomas Heggarty, Jean-Yves Bourmaud, Robin Girard, Georges Kariniotakis, Energy, Volume 290, 2024, 130231, ISSN 0360-5442
WP2 – Market designs & regulations
- Synthetic models of distribution networks based on open data and georeferenced information, Energies, November 2019
- Optimal Transmission Topology for Facilitating the Growth of Renewable Power Generation, POWERTECH 2021
- Market Participation of Distributed Energy Resources for offering Flexibility Services, 2020 European Energy Market Conference
- Data Analytics for Profiling Low-Voltage Customers with Smart Meter Readings, Applied Sciences, 2021
- Risk-Oriented Planning for Flexibility-Based Distribution System Development, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Network, 2022
- Quantitative Assessment of Flexibility at the TSO/DSO Interface Subject to the Distribution Grid Limitations, Applied Sciences, 2022
WP3 – Grid forming for the synchronisation of large power systems
- Effect of Voltage Source Converters with Electrochemical Storage Systems on Dynamics of Reduced-inertia Bulk Power Grids, Electric Power System Research journal, December 2020
- Optimal Provision of Concurrent Primary Frequency and Local Voltage Control from a BESS Considering Variable Capability Curves: Modelling and Experimental Assessment, Electric Power System Research journal, January 2021
- Upgrade of grid-connected storage solution with grid-forming function, 9th Storage Integration Workshop 2019
- Control of Battery Storage Systems for the Simultaneous Provision of Multiple Services, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids, May 2019
- Real-time Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems to Provide Ancillary Services Considering Voltage-Dependent Capability of DC-AC Converters, IEEE Transactions no Smart grids journal, May 2021
- Performance assessment of grid-forming and grid-following converter-interfaced battery energy storage systems on frequency regulation in low-inertia power grids, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks journal, May 2021
- Performance assessment of Synchronous Condensers vs Voltage Source Converters providing grid-forming functions, POWERTECH 2021
- Optimal Grid-Forming Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems Providing Multiple Services: Modeling and Experiment Validation, PSCC 2022, July 2022
- Local Effects of Grid-Forming Converters Providing Frequency Regulation to Bulk Power Grids, 2021 IEEE PES ISGT Asia, December 2021
- Enhanced TVI for Grid Forming VSC under Unbalanced Faults, Energies, September 2021
- OSMOSE WP3: Factory Acceptance Test of the grid forming demonstrator, SIW 2020, February 2020
- OSMOSE Grid-Forming performance assessment within multiservice storage connected to the transmission grid, Cigre 2020, August 2020
- OSMOSE WP3: Factory Acceptance Test of the grid forming demonstrator, 10th Solar Integration Workshop 2020
- OSMOSE Grid-Forming performance assessment within multiservice storage connected to the transmission grid, CIGRE 2020
- Dispatch and Primary Frequency Control with Electrochemical Storage: a System-wise Verification, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2018
WP5 – Multiple services provided by grid devices, large demand-response and RES generation
- H2020 OSMOSE Project: the Italian demonstrator. Testing flexibilities resources in a coordinated approach, ISGT Conference 2021
- Project OSMOSE: implementation and first results of voltage regulation tests from wind power plants, AEIT Conference 2021
- An innovative short-term congestion management algorithm for the Italian subtransmission grid: the Zonal-EMS Demo of the OSMOSE Project, AEIT Conference 2021
- An innovative algorithm for the power loads forecasting in Italian transmission grid: development and main results of the PREVEL software of Osmose project, AEIT Conference 2021
- H2020 OSMOSE PROJECT: Electrical Grid flexibility services from industrial loads through Demand Side Response (DSR), AEIT Conference 2021
- Experimental Assessment of Cooperative Sensors Network-based Dynamical Thermal Rating: the first evidences from the H2020 OSMSOSE Project, AEIT Conference 2021
- Weather-Based Dynamic Thermal Rating in WP5 of H2020 Osmose Project: implementation and preliminary results, AEIT Conference 2021
- On-Line Control of DERs to Enhance the Dynamic Thermal Rating of Transmission Lines, IEEE Transaction on sustainable energy journal, Octobre 2020
- Congestion Management in Italian HV grid using novel Dynamic Thermal Rating methods: first results of the H2020 European project Osmose, 2020 AEIT International Conference
- Securing IEC 60870-5-104 communications following IEC 62351 standard: lab tests and results, AEIT Conference 2020
- Preliminary model comparison for Dynamic Thermal Rating estimation, EEEIC / I&CPS Europe 2019
- Assessment of Cyber Security Requirements for the Future Digital Power System, CIRED 2019
- Cyber security standard and architectural assessment for a new digitalized power infrastructure, CIGRE colloquium D2 2019
- Cyber security requirements of multi-operator IT/OT architectures based on NISTIR 7628 guidelines, CIGRE colloquium D2 2019
- Robust Assessment of Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting Models on Multiple Time Horizons, Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 2020
- Assessment of cyber security requirements for the future digital power system, 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution 2019
WP6 – Near real-time cross-border energy market
- Close to real time controller performing energy exchanges under network constraints, ISGT Conference 2020
WP7 – Scaling up and replication
- BESS Optimal Sizing Methodology -Degree of Impact of Several Influencing Factors, 10th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop, Nov 2020
- Scheduled profile at TSO/DSO interface for reducing balancing costs, 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area, 2019
Brochures, newsletters, and presentations
Final Brochure
- Newsletter OSMOSE June 2022
- Newsletter OSMOSE December 2021
- Newsletter OSMOSE May 2021
- OSMOSE Public Newsletter November 2020
- OSMOSE Public Newsletter May 2020
- OSMOSE Newsletter September 2019: project summary
Brochures and project presentations
- WP1 webinar presentation on Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenarios (May, 2022)
- WP2 webinar presentation on Market design modeling and analysis for flexibility (May, 2022)
- WP4 webinar presentation on Demonstration of an innovative Hybrid Flexibility Device that provides multiple grid services (April, 2022)
- WP3 webinar presentation on Demonstration of grid forming capabilities and synchronisation services (April 2022)
- WP6 webinar presentation on Demonstration of close-to-real-time cross border flexibility market (April 2022)
- WP5 webinar presentation on Smart Management of the grid: exploiting line temperature and load forecasts (April 2022)
- WP7 presentation on IEC61850 standard: Improvement of the engineering process and storage data modeling -Contribution of the OSMOSE project (webinar January 2022)
- OSMOSE project presentation June 2021
- WP2 presentation on preliminary results from market simulations (webinar May 2021)
- WP4 presentation on the demo: Multi services provided by the coordination control of different storage and FACTS (Solar & Storage Integration Workshop 2021)
- WP7 presentation on IEC61850 standard and related OSMOSE activities (webinar May 2021)
- WP7 presentation on BESS Optimal Sizing, (webinar June 2020)
Webinar presentations jointly with EU-Sysflex project, June 2021
Project videos