It4power is a consulting company based in Zug, Switzerland. The services and trainings it4power provides are focused on implementing open systems and the use of information technologies for the power industry. It4power is the company for IEC 61850 “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation” and all its related topics. The company is involved in the basic research and development of new technologies, which leads to proof of concept implementation projects, mainstream deployment projects and products.

We are actively participating in national and international standardisation efforts. Examples are the contributions to the IEC TC 57 working groups 10, 17, 18, and 19 where open communication architectures for substations, distributed energy resources, hydro power plants, and the entire utility enterprise are being defined. Others include membership of Cigré Study Committee B5 for Protection and Automation, the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee and the UCA (utility communication architecture, USA) International Users Group.


The main task of it4power in the project is to support the creation of the IEC 61850 ENTSO-E profile and the demonstration and to interact with the relevant standardization working groups to improve the standards based on the learnings from the project

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406