Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK – http://www.fbk.eu), in Trento, Italy, is a private no profit research institution subsidized by the Province of Trento. FBK conducts interdisciplinary research in information technologies as well as in other areas of sciences and technologies and of humanities.

The Center for Materials and Microsystems (CMM – http://cmm.fbk.eu) is an applied research center that operates in the following areas of science and technology: materials and interfaces, devices and microsystems, integrated systems. In particular, the Applied Research on Energy Systems research unit (ARES – http://ares.fbk.eu) is involved on sustainable energy systems, on the full R&D life cycle, from basic scientific research through applied research and engineering. ARES participates in several funded projects focused on distributed generation, renewable energies, energy storage and smart cities. ARES is full member of EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) and is member of the research grouping N.ERGHY. ARES is the scientific coordinator for the Italian National Strategic plan on Hydrogen mobility, at support of Ministries for Transport, Economic Development and Environment.


FBK will give support to the WP6, in designing the algorithms and platforms that optimize the efficient coupling of cross-border flexible electricity markets and flexible sources (in particular large scale storage units).

FBK’s tasks include identification of the technical, operational and economical parameters regarding large-scale energy storages as well as taking part in the identification of flexible bidding information that will be used in the flexible co-optimization platform.

FBK will collaborate with Dolomiti Energia to share technical, operational and economical parameters concerning the description of the Trentino pilot site use case (large scale storage with pump hydro). For this pilot site FBK will develop a dynamic model (Based on Modelica libraries) to proof the storage integration within the cross-border flexible dispatching service.

Moreover, in the demonstration phase FBK will collaborate with Dolomiti Energia testing in the Trentino pilot site the stability of the proposed real time controlling functions under real time system conditions. During the project tests, Trentino storage units will operate according to the real-time economic signals.

Finally, FBK and Dolomiti Energia will identify and evaluate the main impacts of the performed field tests, including technological, economic and barriers analysis. A business plan will be elaborated with suggestions for further European replication.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406