REN – Rede Eléctrica Nacional, SA: its mission is to guarantee the continuous supply of electricity at the lowest cost while satisfying all quality and safety criteria, maintaining the balance between supply and demand in real time, defending the legitimate interests of market agents and reconciling its roles as a system operator and network operator. As concessionaire of the national electricity transmission grid, REN – Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A. holds the mission of the following main activities:

  • technical and overall management of the national electricity system;
  • transmission of electricity at very-high voltage (400, 220 and 150kV);
  • operation of the national electricity transmission grid and the construction, maintenance and planning of its infrastructures.


  • WP1–“Optimal mix of flexibilities” – Tasks Participant with main contribution on Sub-Task entitled – “Cross-border reserve exchange for improved flexibility and cost efficiency”
  • WP2– “Market designs and regulations allowing the optimal development of flexibilities with high shares of RES generation”- Tasks Participant
  • WP7– “Scaling up and replication”- Tasks Participant
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406