You can find in this page the project videos as well as webinar recordings.


Video on WP4 demonstration about hybrid flexibility device led by REE, May 2022

Video on WP3 OSMOSE grid forming demo led by RTE, March 2022

General video of Osmose H2020 project, March 2022


Video on WP5 demonstration led by TERNA: multiple services provided by grid devices, large demand-response and RES generation coordinated in a smart management system, March 2022


Video on WP6 demonstration led by ELES: near-real time cross-boarder energy market, May 2021


Video of the installation of sensors for Dynamic Thermal Rating on TERNA’s lines, WP5 demonstrator, fall 2020:



OSMOSE Final webinar series WP2: Market design modeling and analysis for flexibility- on May 2022

Pdf presentation

OSMOSE Final webinar series WP1: Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenarios – on May, 2022

Pdf presentation

OSMOSE Final webinar series: WP6 Demonstration of close-to-real-time cross border flexibility market- on April 2022

Pdf presentation

OSMOSE Final webinar series: WP5 Smart Management of the grid: exploiting line temperature and load forecasts- on April 2022

Pdf presentation

OSMOSE Final webinar series: WP3 Demonstration of grid forming capabilities and synchronisation services- on April 2022: 

Pdf presentation

IEC61850 standard: Improvement of the engineering process and storage data modeling -Contribution of the OSMOSE project- on January 2022

Pdf presentation

Video from ISGT Conference Panel 2: Battery Energy Storage Systems to support the power system : demonstrations and perspectives from the H2020 OSMOSE project on October 2021

Pdf presentation

High RES scenarios: from adequacy to stability challenges and new solutions. Joint webinar with EU-SysFlex project on June 2021

Pdf presentation

IT challenges to monitor and activate flexibilities, joint webinar with EU-SysFlex project on  June 2021

Pdf presentation

Value and demonstrate distributed flexibilities: joint webinar with EU-SysFlex project on  June 2021

Pdf presentation

Webinar on WP2 market design simulations (preliminary results), May 2021

Pdf presentation

Webinar on IEC61850 standard and related activities in OSMOSE, May 2021

Pdf presentation

Webinar presented by CEA to introduce the public deliverable D7.5, Methodology for optimal sizing of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), June 18th 2020 :

Pdf presentation

Webinar on WP5/WP6 presenting the progress of the two demonstrations, 4th September 2019




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406