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WP4 – Multiple services provided by the coordinated control of different storage and FACTS devices


Demo overview

Partners invovled

Red Eléctrica de España, Greenpower Technologies, SAFT, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Fundación CENER-CIEMAT.

WP Leader contact: Alberto Escalera, Red Eléctrica de España


The main objectives of WP4 demonstrator are to develop:

  • A Master Control System to integrate different flexibility solutions, coordiate their operations and identify possible control strategies.
  • A new hybrid and modular storage solution with the capability to offer multiple services.
  • A lithium-ion battery connected at high voltage in DC (≥ 1 kV) to improve the integration of batteries in the HV grid.

The integrated solution, called Hybrid Flexibility Device (HFD), aims to provide different flexibility services (frequency regulation, voltaje control, congestion management…)

WP status (December 2021)

The modular hybrid flexibility device has been successfully designed, combining ion-lithium battery, supercapacitors and statcom (factory acceptance test validated).

All devices are coordinated by a master control system, to provide multiple grid stability and security services (inertia, voltage control, congestion management, frequency regulation…). Within this hybrid flexibility device, a new lithium-ion battery at 1260 Vdc output was validated and is already commercialised by SAFT. The Master Control determines the setpoints of the different devices to provide the required flexibility services: it optimizes the devices aging, manages the State Of Health optimally (power and energy availability) and improves grid security and renewable penetration. The final performance evaluation will cover reactive power control, power-frequency response, voltage control in static and dynamic mode, fast-frequency response, fast current injections.

Deliverables and publications for download

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406