OSMOSE meets CROSSBOW consortium

OSMOSE partner Red Electrica de España met with the CROSSBOW consortium in Madrid on January 31th 2020, in order to exchange on both projects and identify potential interactions and synergies. The CROSSBOW project addresses cross Border management of RES and storage units for transnational wholesale market.

Experiences in the management of variable renewable energies and energy storage were shared between the participants. Special attention was given to those demonstrators that manage energy storage integration as well as to OSMOSE WP6 (Near real-time cross-border energy market), led by the Slovenian TSO ELES.

Alberto Escalera Blasco (REE) presented the OSMOSE demo led by Red Electrica, dealing with Multiple services through coordinated control of storage and FACTS devices. The presentation can be downloaded here: 2020-01-31_OSMOSE_Crossbow

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406