Cross-border reserve exchange for improved flexibility and efficiency: Deliverable released

WP1 deals with the identification and quantification of flexibilities in three scenarios by year 2050. Based on the flexibility options identified for these scenarios and using the simulations results performed by RTE and EKC with ANTARES to optimize them at pan-European scale, task 1.4 assessed them regarding more specific dimensions.

Among them, the cross-border provision of reserve, as detailed in the deliverable D1.4.2 available below for download: REN successfully applied its PSMORA model to the Continental South West (CSW) region to analyze security of supply criteria from the perspective of operational reserve assessment. The impact of short-term RES uncertainty (forecast error) on CSW system operation was assessed for the scenarios “Current Goals Achieved” 2030 and 2050, and the respective flexibility needs calculated, completed by sensitivity analysis. The 2030 scenario was also updated to include the Portuguese National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) ambitions on RES installed capacity.

OSMOSE D.1.4.2 Cross Border Resserve Exchange

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406