RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico) S.p.A. is a public company entirely owned by the Italian Government, with the mission of performing public interest R&D programs to address the national energy, environmental and economic goals, both on behalf of the Ministry of the Economic Development and in the context of EU research initiatives. About 350 technicians and researchers carry out strategic research in the electricity and energy sector, with strong emphasis on experimental applications. RSE is recognised in Europe as a Non-profit Research Organisation with a wide and very successful role in integrating the national research programmes with the EU directives and plans: it has been cooperating in more than 70 international research projects (of which more than 30 currently still running) and has coordinated as leading partner more than 200 main research centres and companies in the energy field in Europe.

RSE is also engaged in supporting the Italian Ministry for Economic Development in implementing the European Union Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan): specifically, in European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programmes on Smart Grids (for which it is the coordinator) and on Carbon Capture and Storage, as well as in the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET). RSE represents Italy in five Technology Collaboration Programmes of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and chairs the ISGAN (International Smart Grid Action Network).

In the OSMOSE project RSE will bring in its deep knowledge and expertise related to smart grids, data management, ICT standards and cyber security, RES integration, RES producibility forecasting, Dynamic Thermal rating, Energy Management System (WP5), interoperability, scalability and replicability (WP7), new business models, market design and regulation (WP2). RSE will also be involved in WP8 contributing to the duly dissemination of results.


  • Task Leader within WP5 (DEMO TERNA) and WP7
  • Partner in WP2, WP5, WP7 and WP8
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773406